5 Instances of Incredible Customer Experience via RFID Technology

5 Instances of Incredible Customer Experience via RFID Technology

5 Instances of Incredible Customer Experience via RFID Technology

For any industry, regardless of the business they are in, the most important aspect to consider is "customer experience."

On the other hand, RFID technology is one of the trending technologies, especially in terms of ticketing and entertainment. RFID technology comes in different sizes to meet client requirements.

When RFID and customer experience are blended, something amazing can be expected. A very simple and known example is an RFID-enabled wristband. It eliminates the need to stand in a queue, speeding up the entire process and resulting in time savings and happy customers.

So, let's begin with some less-known but creative ways of utilizing RFID technology to enhance customer experience.

5 Use-Cases of Incredible Customer Experience via RFID

Galleries & Museums

The first questions we have in mind are: Is RFID a good option? Is it too expensive? Is it reliable? Will people understand it?

RFID technology may sound complex, but it is a simple, relatively inexpensive, and reliable method of creating connections between visitors and installations or exhibits. According to MuseumNext, in a museum environment, RFID tags and readers can trace an individual visitor's path through an exhibition, perhaps building up a record of responses to themed questions or a record of achievement in interactive games. At various points in the exhibition, an RFID card is used to register personal preferences relating to clothing, self-image, and fashion, including the choice of brands for items such as beer, shoes, jeans, etc. In a museum, RFID technology also helps provide detailed information, for example, tracking the movement of guests and noticing where most time is spent during an exhibition.


Many people try to enter a stadium, and numerous fraudulent tickets are also attempted to be used. However, an RFID chip has a unique identifier, which makes them almost impossible to duplicate. It can scan multiple tags at one time, eliminating the need to scan one by one. Therefore, it saves time and enhances the customer experience. On top of that, additional purchases can be pre-loaded on an event ticket. In simple words, your ticket could have two cold drink purchases pre-loaded. You could get your drink by simply tapping it at an unattended cold drink station, thanks to RFID technology! The same idea can be applied to goods and merchandise.

Also Read: Which Industries Are Using RFID for Asset Tracking?


A festival is a multiple-day event attended by thousands of people daily for entertainment and fun. Similar to the stadium, it provides entry in no time, reducing the chances of false entry. At a festival, jugglers, magicians, acrobats, and other independent entertainers gather to entertain the crowd. An RFID asset management system can be utilized to see in real-time where a large group of people is, then you can send your performers there. RFID technology also helps in generating critical data, and according to that data, you can plan your future activities. Overall, this will be helpful in generating revenue. Also, RFID technology provides additional payment information, eliminating the need to carry a purse with you.

Toll System

RFID technology is used by several countries as a toll system. It allows for direct payment from the moving vehicle. Travelers can make direct payments from their accounts, which are connected to the RFID tag. With the new RFID in toll plazas, the benefit of RFID technology is assumed to remarkably diminish the pollution of the city as well as traffic jams. Another benefit is the resolution of blockages at toll courts throughout the city. Now in New Delhi, RFID tags are mandatory for commercial vehicles entering Delhi. Thirteen toll plazas, equipped with ultra-modern cameras and sensors, were operationalized earlier. The idea behind this is to control air pollution in Delhi.

Cinema Hall

There is also an opportunity to provide more engagement between attendees and sponsors who typically have their ads printed on the back of a ticket or on the playbill. Theaters, being medium-sized, benefit from knowing more about their patrons, which can make advertising efforts more targeted and effective. Especially when you know what your patrons want, you can market to them more efficiently. There is also a chance to offer greater engagement among sponsors and patrons who regularly have their promotions printed on the back of a ticket or on the bill. The idea behind all these activities is to increase sales with repeat customers. And how will customers visit again? The customer experience is great when they witness something unexpected or something they love too much.


These were some of the best and most creative ways of utilizing RFID technology. If you are running a business and not utilizing RFID technology, then you are missing out. RFID works efficiently. It is cost-effective, provides real-time information, and offers accurate information. RFID technology is useful for all industries. It helps you make better decisions for your organization, increases your productivity, enhances customer experience, and helps you grow your business.

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