
5 Most Common CMMS Software Mistakes That a Company Does

Common CMMS Software Mistakes

We know that without CMMS software (Computerized Maintenance Management System) a simple maintenance task can become chaotic & hectic. This is why CMMS software has become an essential part of the organization.

Maintenance Management software has a lot of potential to enhance your business. But if it is not used properly, it will not be as effective as it should be. Therefore, in this blog, we will explore 5 common CMMS software mistakes done by a company.

Common CMMS Software Mistakes Done by an Organization Are Below:

1. Using CMMS Software Unprofessionally

CMMS software is an exceptionally valuable tool if it is utilized correctly. It provides great help in order to manage and maintain the asset in the right manner and keep costs minimized.

Nevertheless, if it's not utilized in the right way by staff, due to any reason such as lack of knowledge or some other reason; Many issues can appear.

One of the most common mistakes made by CMMS users is, for example, forgetting or neglecting to input every information in software, not entering information regularly or not executing suggested points via CMMS Software. These small issues can take the shape of a huge problem in the future. It can also burn an organization's time and money.

Solution - One should always keep in mind that CMMS software can only provide important data when the user feeds regular and complete information to the software. The software will not be able to assist if it is used inefficiently & unprofessionally. Therefore, all the data and information should be filled correctly and regularly. Always keep in mind that these small details help the organization in making a big decision.

2. Absence of Executing Time and Resources

This is one of the biggest common mistakes made by an organization. We will give you an example. In a manufacturing organization, there are a lot of assets that require more time & resources to maintain. But organizations avoid these activities in order to save money.

Solution - Maintaining assets is a long continuous procedure. Organizations should increase the size of the maintenance team. They must maintain assets on a regular basis with the help of CMMS software to ensure smooth activities. This way, the organization's daily operation will also run efficiently, and on a daily basis, small goals are achieved.

CMMS software helps in streamlining the maintenance scheduling activities as well as prevents the assets from breakdown and failure. It improves the workflow of the company. It would be better to say that it enhances the daily operation & decreases the time duration. But all these features of CMMS software won't be able to assist you if you do not use it correctly and strategically.

3. Investing Only in Reactive Maintenance

When an organization is equipped with CMMS software and still relying on reactive maintenance. Then it is nothing but the wastage of resources. This is an absolutely wrong and improper strategy. You are not only squandering your money on CMMS software but also decreasing the asset life cycle. Also, in the future reactive maintenance can hurt your pocket badly.

In reactive maintenance, technicians have pressure to bring the machine, equipment, or asset to the running state. As the other work & operation also suffers. Therefore, the equipment barely manages to work & it is not optimized as a  “new one”.

Solution - CMMS software provides great assistance, especially in the maintenance part. One can depend on CMMS preventive maintenance. Of course, it will lead to small expenses on maintenance. However, it will save you from huge expenses. Furthermore, it will increase the asset life cycle and keep them efficient and optimized as new.

4. Compromising on Implementation and Training

This is one of the biggest common mistakes made by an organization. They hand over the responsibility of implementing CMMS software to someone who does not have any experience or knowledge. It is absolutely a huge mistake.

Another mistake is, not providing the training to the employees of the maintenance team. Assuming that, the workers do not need training. This assumption can cause issues in the future.

Solution - Implementing CMMS software in an organization is a big responsibility. Therefore, it must be given to someone who has prior experience or has a high level of knowledge. He/She can understand the software better in less time.

How does the software work? Configure the assistance for each asset, train other employees as well and so on. Moreover, all the employees should be provided with detailed training about CMMS software, especially the maintenance team, in order to grow your business. Because the worker of the maintenance team can provide great help in urgent situations.

5. Job Management Negligence

When each and every worker's role is not decided, specifically the maintenance department then, as a result, it becomes quite chaotic in pressured situations. Particularly when workers don't know how to run CMMS software.

Also, task priority is not decided and consequently, the task is not done on time. The outcome will always be compromised if the department head does not define the expectations for each worker clearly.

Solution - The department head or supervisor must take the initiative and define the role in detail to each employee of the maintenance department.

By this we mean, if a particular duty is assigned to some employee and if he or she is not available then who will be a substitute to that employee! All workers should know how to operate CMMS software.

In other words, there should always be backup for each employee and there should not be any confusion in their roleplay. Hence, the mistake should not take place and pressure situations can be tackled easily.


In the end, these mistakes are done unintentionally to save money. But the big picture is that it can diminish the profit and productivity if a blunder mistake occurs. However, these issues can be avoided easily with the CMMS if utilized perfectly.

CMMS software can be very fruitful to your business and cost-effective as well. Not only will your equipment be efficient, but you will also be able to save a lot of money on maintenance. If you need any help in implementing CMMS software, we are always there for you. Sign up now and try our 14-days free trial.

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