
Industrial Plant Maintenance: Why Asset Infinity CMMS Software Is the Right Option?

Industrial Plant Maintenance

Industrial plant maintenance is not easy as there are lots of assets that need to be maintained. But organizations are unable to keep track of maintenance because they do not have a proper tracking solution. However, for industrial plants, maintenance is essential if assets are not maintained and do not provide good performance then production work is delayed.

It not only impacts business but the brand image of a business is also diluted. That is why keeping assets in good condition is essential for business. Asset Infinity provides the best maintenance management software that will help you in keeping assets optimized and you will notice its benefits when you start using it.

How can Asset Infinity’s CMMS be the right option for Industrial Plant Maintenance?

Below we have discussed how Asset Infinity’s CMMS can be the right option for Industrial Plant Maintenance:

Asset Infinity’s CMMS be the right option for Industrial Plant Maintenance
Recommend To Read: 4 Ways to Improve Plant Maintenance at the Time of Low Production

1. Easily Scheduling of Maintenance

One of the best features of the Asset Infinity application for industrial plant maintenance is preventive maintenance. It enables maintenance managers to schedule maintenance easily and effectively for each asset.

Within just a few clicks, you can schedule maintenance with the Asset infinity application & software. Not just that, managers can simply categorize equipment that helps the maintenance team in scheduling maintenance. Along with that, an organization can track maintenance costs & location.

Most frequently used for industrial plant maintenance is preventive maintenance. With the Asset Infinity application, you can easily create a work order and assign it to the technician.

Basically, it is just a planned maintenance system for managing schedules based on equipment or location. In this application, you can define the frequency of maintenance activities such as daily, weekly, monthly, and so on as per your requirement. Pending Activities tracking by using filters & creating work orders in a smart way.

2. Create Maintenance Checklist

For industrial plant maintenance, creating a maintenance checklist is one of the efficient features. With this feature, a work order can be created, and most importantly managers can create a checklist of what issues are coming & what needs to be done, and accordingly the maintenance technicians' work.

The technician checks the activities that are done and writes the status for each. In this way productive work is delivered as the team does not forget any activity that needs to be done in each work order.

3. Setting Priority for Work Order

It is important that the maintenance team works on a work order in the right way otherwise productivity and production work will be delayed especially when plant maintenance is so important.

That is why it is important to categorize and prioritize each work order individually. It lets the maintenance team know which work order will be completed first. In this way, productive work is delivered, and asset downtime is decreased as well.

4. Customized Analytics & Reports

Reports are helpful in understanding the complete picture of the maintenance of each asset. These reports & analytics will give you a glance at maintenance cost, asset utilization, spare consumed equipment downtime, asset performance, and so on.

Moreover, it will be helpful in making crucial decisions business decisions, setting future goals, and creating a knowledge base. As we know, reports contain data and data is helpful in business growth. Asset Infinity app enables you to create and download reports as per your specific requirements.

5. Customized Alerts

Without any software keeping track of maintenance can be hectic because a manufacturing plant has lots of assets. Therefore, the maintenance team needs to keep track of maintenance. This is where the customized alert feature can be very helpful as this feature reminds technicians about upcoming maintenance.

It alerts them via mobile notifications, SMS, and email. You can customize reminders for maintenance activities, for example, you can get reminders on the same day, 1,2,30 days before the maintenance activity occurs.


All organizations want to decrease downtime, but they still utilize traditional methods which impact business as this is high time to utilize technology for plant maintenance. Therefore, asset infinity’s CMMS is helpful in industrial plant maintenance.

Moreover, a team of asset infinity can be reached anytime. They provide a knowledge base & support to manage tickets. All issues are resolved as per the system level agreement (SLA).

As we know, there are several inventories that are required because lots of maintenance is performed, and spare parts are used frequently. It is important to keep track of inventory required for maintenance otherwise the maintenance team will have maintenance again.

Asset Infinity software helps in keeping track of inventory so that no work is hampered, and effective maintenance can be performed. Asset Infinity’s software helps in doing that.

Asset Infinity’s software is widely used because it is easy to grasp, and anyone can use it as the interface is simple. It is a cost-effective solution that comes with cloud technology which means you can access it from anywhere and the service provided will keep each asset's data secured.

Apart from this, software customization and integration are also available. You can schedule a demo now.

Also Read: What Are the Various Plant Maintenance Types & Objectives?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1 - What Are the Various Types of Plant Maintenance?

Various types of plant maintenance are preventive maintenance, predictive maintenance, routine maintenance, condition monitoring maintenance, corrective maintenance, and emergency maintenance. Basically, all these maintenance types can be categorized into planned maintenance or unplanned maintenance.

Q.2 - How Is CMMS Helpful in Inventory Tracking?

For inventory tracking, you get alerts on the system about inventory availability. In the same way, when the inventory is about to finish you will receive an alert. In order to avoid the stock issue, you can set a reorder level for each item. CMMS software provides data through which you can get inventory forecasting, which means you will know in advance approximately how much inventory you will require at a specific time. It will help you in effectively managing inventory and most importantly inventory wastage will not happen.

Q.3 - Why Is Maintenance Expense a Major Issue in a Manufacturing Plant?

Maintenance expenses are a major issue because lots of organizations use reactive maintenance, and the chances of failure are greater in this strategy. Moreover, production work suffers and there is pressure to bring equipment back into running condition and this is where maintenance expenses increase in a manufacturing plant.

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